Saturday, November 17, 2007

Chillaxing in Arcadia

Woo Hoo, it has been a good day. First of all, the kid competed in her first Academic Decathalon scrimmage today and TA DAAAAA! made the competition team!! We are celebrating Chez Ward tonight. Actually, I'm celebrating with Ravelry and Harry Potter, the poor kid is dead asleep on the couch. We all party in our own little ways.

While I was anxiously waiting to hear the results from the aforementioned competition, I was able to hang out with most of my knitting peeps at Unraveled's 3rd anniversary sale. Congrats to Christine and the Unraveled gang. At UR, I was happy to see the UR girls, Christine, Fay Lynn (Marvels of Knitting), Sandy, Susan (UnraveledGal), and Jillian, and also my knitting peeps, Michele and JoShell (Yarn Traveler), Mary (Dim Sum Knitting), Larry (Knitdad), Andy (do you have a blog?), and Margie. Auntie Ehm and Janice R., you were missed! I managed to control myself and bought a little Berrocco Jasper for myself and some Foliage for the kid.

Knitting report: 6, count 'em, 6 rows done on the Illusionist Shawl, more work done on the Babykid ruffles shawl.


Larry said...

Congrats to the kid!

Andy doesn't have a blog so far as I know. I may be seeing him later today as he bought the wrong yarn for his hat and may need help in finding a new one.

That'll be more fun than cleaning house. Way more!

Janice Rosema said...

Congratulations to H for her being on the team! Not only is she beautiful, she's smart too! They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I missed all of you on Saturday but I did finish a shawl project which I posted on blog. I know I would have spent too much money and I was trying to be good which as you know is tough when it comes to yarn.

unraveledgal said...

Wish I had the time to actually hang out with you on Saturday - boy, wasn't it busy?

Give Hannah a big hug for all of the hard work..very cool news!

mary said...

It was fun, wasn't it? Maybe one day I'll actually get to sit down and knit with you. What a concept! Congrats to the Whiz Kid!