Friday, July 27, 2007

Where have I been?

Well, good question. I'm here. It has been a busy two weeks. First, my iBook was out of commission for about 10 days. It needed a new logic board, than another new logic board, then a new battery to boot. Finally, finally I have my laptop back. And, ta daaaaa, it actually will run on the battery now, as in portable, as in the way laptops are intended.

What else has held me up? Well, Life. We've had some challenging times and a very hard loss in our family. Secondly, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! H, Auntie Ehm and I braved Vroman's at midnight to pick up our books. It has turned into a tradition for H and I to go at midnight and get each new book. We were very happy to be joined by the intrepid Ms. Ehm. H finished reading early Sunday, I finished Sunday night, I think. This is a spoiler free zone, but I will say that I loved the book. It is action packed and drags you into its spell, making you stay up into the wee hours, reading. Hurry up and finish so that we can talk about it!

On the knitting front, I made good progress on MS3, but have not started on clue 4 due to HP and knitting for hire. I can't show you or say who it is for (those of you out there who know, please don't leave it on my comments), but I do test knitting for a knit designer. It's a lot of fun, but the down side for me are the deadlines. They make me crazy, what can I say. This piece involves 14 colors and intarsia. I've been working on this 4-5 hours a day, trying to get it done w/o wrecking my wrists. so far, so good.

H only has 4 days of summer school left. Woo hoo! I can sleep late for the entire month of August!! Kudos to H for doing such a good job with her classes this summer.

TGIF! We're going to the Tonight Show tonight!

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