Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It Came Upon an Afternoon Clear.

Picture this, if you will. Saturday, December 13, Burbank, California. The girl and I are shopping. It has finally cooled off and the temperature has dropped below 60 degrees (with sincere apologies to my peeps in the upper prairies where it is currently 40 below). What does this mean? It means that I can actually consider throwing on something handknit. First I try on my Silk Rhapsody ruana. Looks like reindeer crap. Then I remember my Spanish Dancer Shawl. Seven skeins of Koigu goodness. I put it on before we left the house. It looked great. In fact, it was perfect--not too warm, a flattering color, cool ruffle. I felt like a real knitter, as in, heck yes, I wear handknits I've made. It was the first time I'd worn it. EVAH! Here is a photo of it in better days (notice: foreshadowing):

After a wonderful feast with H. at P.F. Changs, I am in the restroom and I notice one hole, no two, no three, etc., you get the idea. A total of at least six holes and a broken edge on one of the sides of the shawl. What is this? Poorly executed spit splices? kittens? eco-terrorism? No, my friends, it is much worse. The M-word...MOTHS. Moths? I said, dumfounded, when my friend suggested it. In Southern California? noooooooooooooooooo! Somehow, I thought we were too dry or too cool for moths. Moths are for Easterners, I thought...people with Pendleton coats and Hudson Bay blankets and such. Now, I ask you, what to do? I'm not willing to just scrap this shawl, nor am I crazy about undoing that ruffle. I'll wait here for your answer.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

In Case You've Got Too Few Projects in Your Queue

The new Knitty is up! The new Knitty is up!!

Another new (?) knitting site is Popknits

You probably already know about these two updates, but they bear repeating:
Twist Collective, Winter 2008. Just look at that fab coat called Sylvi! I just love it, especially for the daughter. Who cares if we live in southern California and there is this little thing called Global Warming going on? It's funny, though, on Ravelry, most of the people who have started this live in Scandinavia. hmmmmm, I wonder what this means.

Secondly the new issue of Knotions is also up now. So many things to make, so few hands....I'd like a few more, ala Kali.

Friday, December 05, 2008

I'm a literary nerd!

When all else fails, post a quiz. Actual knitting content coming soon! Go Bruins!

What Be Your Nerd Type?
Your Result: Literature Nerd

Does sitting by a nice cozy fire, with a cup of hot tea/chocolate, and a book you can read for hours even when your eyes grow red and dry and you look sort of scary sitting there with your insomniac appearance? Then you fit this category perfectly! You love the power of the written word and it's eloquence; and you may like to read/write poetry or novels. You contribute to the smart people of today's society, however you can probably be overly-critical of works.

It's okay. I understand.

Artistic Nerd
Drama Nerd
Science/Math Nerd
Social Nerd
Gamer/Computer Nerd
Anime Nerd
What Be Your Nerd Type?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, we've given thanks, spent time with family, eaten the turkey, had the nap. Nothing left now but to relax and knit.

For some of us, the relaxing started early!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Beware the Black Friday madness! I'd rather be knitting.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Kitten Update

What a difference 5 months makes! Here are the same ragdoll kittens, Ruby and Max, almost 5 months to the day of their last appearance here. Ruby is on the left, Max on the right. The Ragdoll breed is known for its large size, and Max especially is rising to the challenge. In the last photo, I think he weighed about 3.5 pounds. We haven't had him to the vet again to be weighed, but he's over 10 pounds, I'm sure. They are wonderfully funny, loving and kooky kittens and we're having the best time with them. And yes, their names are inspired by the Max and Ruby siblings from the Rosemary Wells books. If you have young children, I highly recommend them.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Si, se puede!

Yes We Can, Yes We Did!!!

The historical significance of today's election is overwhelming. Rather than attempt to say something appropriately pithy, I'll just savor this moment.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I am Aqua

A little diversion for those of you who are madly knitting away in the knitting olympics, watching the olympics or wilting from the heat...

you are mediumauqamarine

Your dominant hues are cyan and green. Although you definately strive to be logical you care about people and know there's a time and place for thinking emotionally. Your head rules most things but your heart rules others, and getting them to meet in the middle takes a lot of your energy some days.

Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.

Your outlook on life is brighter than most people's. You like the idea of influencing things for the better and find hope in situations where others might give up. You're not exactly a bouncy sunshine but things in your world generally look up.
the spacefem.com html color quiz

Friday, August 01, 2008

Have You Seen It?

A brand new online knitting magazine launched today called Twist Collective. It's great!

I've been casting on a storm & will be back with some photos soon.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It's that time of year...

when it's hotter than hell outside, but Fall is around the corner. The Fall/Winter Rowan Book #44 is out. It's a huge issue for the 30th anniversary of Rowan. The Fall Interweave Knits preview is here. The preview of the upcoming Vogue Knitting Magazine is out now too. The books always seem to preceed the yarn. For instance, the Berroco fall books have been out for a while, but the yarn is still trickling across the country. I'm looking forward to seeing the yarns Geode and Inca Gold.

Here's a charity project that I just learned about today: the Mother Bear project. I think the kid and I are going to knit some teddy bears.

Whew! two posts in July! I've got to pace myself!

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th of July

Long May It Wave!

We're staying home with the kittens in case the fireworks bother them. It's boomin' all around! I hope that everyone stays safe and that no fires are started!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Caution: Blatant Bragging Ahead


We have two new additions to our house:

Here are our new ragdoll kittens. Ruby is on the left and Max is on the right. They are both adorable and very loving. It is really hard to photograph them accurately, especially their eyes. All ragdolls have beautiful blue eyes. Below is a close-up of Max which is one of the rare photos where he doesn't have "alien" eyes.

I haven't had kittens in the house in a very long time and I had forgotten how fun they can be. They play hard and then crash hard, just like little kids.

On the knitting front, I just received the new Norah Gaughan Collection #3 book and two other new fall 08 books from Berroco. Now which of my friends would like to take me out to lunch?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's day to every father, grandfather, uncle, father figure and also those mothers who have to do double duty. You enrich our lives in incalculable ways. I'm giving my stepfather the best gift and not showing up at my parent's house until after the U.S. Open ends!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

In Loving Memory

We lost our beautiful boy last week. He was our constant companion for the past 14 years. The house is awfully quiet without him. My friend M dubbed Scout a Kliban cat and he was. Fat and sassy and on top of the world. He loved catnip, watching tv and drinking ice water from a saucer. Most of all, he loved us--all the time and unconditionally.

There is no consolation for me right now, but it comforts me to imagine him whole and healthy, pain-free and at peace. I miss you, old friend.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wednesday am update

Ok, the fire is pretty much out, people have returned to their homes, things are returning to normal after a harsh reminder of life in southern California.

Another sign of spring:

The peacocks at the L.A. Arboreteum

are strutting their stuff! (photos by Miss H.)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Waves and Fire

Today has been a very mixed bag. H and I drove down to the Long Beach marina for some quality mother daughter time. Even though it felt hot over by the ocean, it was nothing like the 95 degree heat of Arcadia. We shopped, had a nice lunch and walked along the water. I even saw a seal pop up. We drove home, cranked up the a/c and took naps. I thought it had been a perfect day. I woke up to breaking news of a fire in the foothills above Arcadia. We called some good friends up in the hills and they were about to evacuate. Around 7:30 pm, we went out to do some errands and we could see the fire. I've lived in the San Gabriel Valley on and off since I was a teen. I have never seen a wildfire so clearly and so close. There were 100 hikers and 60 boy scouts trapped behind the fire for a while. They were safely evacuated. However, the fire is out of control and I fear for my friends' and neighbors' homes. We can see the fire from our driveway, it is that low in the foothills. You can see flames rising into the air. Over the past 6 hours, the flames have grown and moved from west to east, south to north and then to the south again. I'm hoping that the morning will bring better news for the residents of Sierra Madre and upper Arcadia. Please keep a good thought.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Party Over Here!

We are thrilled to say that Hannah has made the Constitution Team at her high school. This is a VBD (very big deal). Approx. 600 kids applied, 25 made the team. This is a wonderful reward for a great kid who has had a very difficult spring. Thanks to everyone for their good wishes and support and it's on to the White House in '09! Oops, sorry, I got carried away. Maybe the White House in 2029! I should live so long! Cross your fingers for Senior Men & Women!

Even with my rotator cuff problems, I have been knitting away. I seem to only want to knit bags, blankets or something with 15 or more colors. I don't know what that says about me..... I've ordered three grab bags of Tahki Cotton Classic from WEBS, when that gets here, I'll start the ubiquitous mitered squares blanket ala Mason Dixon Knitting and January One. I also want to make the Babette blanket and Kaffe Fassett's brocade throw. Plus, the Barn Raising Quilt and Olive's Afghan from the fab new book Knitalong. In the bag department, I've just finished Nonibag's Flamenco bag and have cast on the Winter Berries bag. Other bags waiting are the Bobble Tote from the current Vogue Knitting (design #7, I'm too tired to link), and the freebie pattern they just featured on Knitting Daily, the Floral Gathering Sac by Pam Allen. That's all I dare admit to at the moment.

Have a great weekend! I just heard that we're going to have a mild Santa Ana here, so it will be warm and breezy.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Held Over by Popular Demand!!

The Spring Artisans Boutique has been extended through Sunday, April 13th, Noon to 5 pm. See address & other pertinent information below. Yes, it's going to be another (unnaturally) hot day here in the San Gabriel Valley, but they'll have the a/c blowing at the store. Drop by and say hi to Hannah and the other talented artists.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Spring Boutique!

The San Gabriel Bead Company is hosting their Spring Artisans Sale this weekend. There will be many items for sale by talented artists, including my talented daughter Hannah. Hannah has been working night and day to get ready for the show. All you knitters out there will be interested to see Hannah's own brand of Prism-like yarn, hand tied into fabulous color coordinated skeins at a fraction of the price. There will also be some handknit items, handmade stitch markers and jewelry.

Here's the info:


Please visit the Spring Boutique and Artisan Studio this April 11th & 12th at the San Gabriel Bead Company. Featuring the work of
-Anthe Wozcyna- Gomez
-Susan Kelso of Luna Grace Designs
-Mandi Tafoya of HippiDippi Designs
-Alice Neal
-Christa Hamilton
-Cynthia Millar
-Hannah Mathews-Ward of Hannah.Math.Stuffs

Jewelry, Beadwork, Knitwear, Yarn, Tool Cases, Polymer Beads, and Much More Will Be Available For Purchase

San Gabriel Bead Company
325 East Live Oak Avenue
Arcadia, Ca 91006

From the 210 East: Exit Santa Anita Avenue and head south for 2.6 miles. At Live Oak Avenue, turn left and continue heading eastbound until you pass Albertson's. The SGBC is located on the north side of Live Oak Avenue next to Advance Insurance and Carmine's Arcadia on the corner of Fourth and Live Oak. Parking in rear.

Boutique Hours:

Friday, 4/11/08

Saturday 4/13/08

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sweet Sixteen!

I usually keep quiet about my sports leanings because I don't want to jinx things, but my team, UCLA, just beat Texas A & M 53-49 after trailing by as much as 10 points in the second half. Oh yeah! It may be Easter but Christmas just came to Bruin-land. Woo Hoo! I'm now going to lie down in a darkened room for a while to try to return my heartbeat to a normal rhythm.

Happy Spring

Happy Spring, Easter, Purim, whatever applies.

How do you like my new avatar?

Still working away on the Koigu jacket. The new Noni patterns for spring are out and I think it's a great group of designs. I especially like Flamenco bag.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Signs of Spring

1. Everything possible is blooming here, making it impossible for me to breathe. pollen, pollen, everywhere!

2. It is much warmer than it has been. Had to turn on air conditioning in the afternoon.

3. Car is now hot after being parked for a while due to #2.

4. Spring 08 Vogue Knitting is due out soon. Janice Rosema has a good looking piece in the issue. Congrats, Janice!

5. The Spring Knitty is out!! Lots of good stuff. I especially like the Lace Ribbon scarf by Veronik Avery.

Has anyone out there tried Zyrtec? If so, does it knock you out? I think it works really well, but I am so sleepy and "hung over" after taking it.

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

Monday, March 10, 2008

Give me my hour back

and nobody gets hurt! As a person with awful sleep patterns, it is really painful to lose this hour every spring. I know I'm in the minority, but I can wait for daylight savings time. a long time. So, it was an extra miracle that I got up, got ready and made it over to Unraveled (link in sidebar) to hang out with my peeps Sunday afternoon. Janice Rosema (link in sidebar) and I are both working on the Koigu Oriental Jacket. We are using similar colors and it was fun to brainstorm about the piece and compare progress. I don't think it would be telling tales out of school to say that the instructions can be less than clear. That said, the Painter's Palette book which contains this pattern and many other well known koigu designs, is half off at KnitPicks.

Knitdad (link in sidebar), Sylvia, the lovely Jillian and our gracious hostess Christine rounded out the knitting circle. There has been a great hue and cry in local knitterdom due to Knitdad being ill, but I can tell you that I personally laid eyes on him and he is on the mend! Now if he would just stop adding me to his spam list so that my mail would go through, things would be swell, heh heh.

My thanks to everyone who kindly offered to help me with my yarn in the event that I did quit knitting. I'm happy to say the crisis has been averted and all the Koigu, Habu, Handmaiden, kid crack haze and company will be staying put.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Thursday Thoughts (posted on Friday)

My first post for March and it's already the sixth! Where does the time go? We are in danger of turning into our own urgent care center. Sick kid, sick cat, terminal sinus problems for me...it's enough to make you drink. You know things aren't going too smoothly when you are gathering doctor and dentist notes into a folder to take to the school. Or, when you are leaning your whole self onto a 22 pound cat to force a cone back onto his head and losing the battle! Or, still, when you get the cone on the cat and he continues to loudly lick the inside of the cone--not at all getting it that he's not connecting with his intended target. Even I have to admit that's not too bright.

I've been feeling frustrated with my knitting lately. I want to do so many things, then get bogged down with details or my hands start hurting or some other distraction, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I found myself in a snit a few days ago, thinking to myself that that was that, I was going to just quit knitting, do something else. Of course, that has passed. I have restarted my Koigu Oriental Jacket.

I have started over, tweaked the colors and I really like how it is looking. I read on Ravelry that it took a woman 4 months to make hers. I'm going to see how much progress I can make on this if I concentrate. I'm not saying I won't go off on little side ventures, because I know myself and I will. But this will be my main focus.

Finally, the last of my Christmas knitting. This is the Nove scarf by Vyvyan Neel.

She also the designer of the popular Argosy scarf from Knitty. Nove was an interesting knit, although I have to say that the little "finger" fringes got a bit old.

On to TGIF!! It's supposed to be in the 80's this weekend (sorry!). Don't forget to Spring Forward this weekend. I am already missing my lost hour...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Insert catchy post title here

Flow tank top from Norah Gaughan Design Collection, vol. 2.

On my third start, I have about eight inches done. While I love this yarn, I don't know if I would recommend it. It is fairly treacherous to work with. I've spoken to several people on Ravelry who are also knitting Flow and they're all having problems with the yarn.

New yarn alert:

This is Birch from Teva Durham, Loop d Loop/Tahki yarns. 90% cotton, 10% silk. There's a nice little booklet cleverly named Loop-d-Loop by Teva Durham volume 2. Here's a link to the Birch page at Tahki's site color card.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Random Stuff

It's starting to look like spring here...the camellias are blooming and the rose bushes are leafing up.

Arty (or as arty as my photos get) shots of my
Anne scarf.

Total length is about six feet so far. Just a little more and it'll be done.

I'll leave you with this gem from Paula Abdul. How does she come up with this stuff?

I want to squish you, squeeze you,
Hang you off my rear view mirror.

I'll admit it, I watch American Idol...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

How'd they do that?

Amazing knitted animation from YouTube

It has been a fun weekend. Saturday, a freeform crochet class with Janice Rosema. These pieces are the start of a freeform vest.

Today, a mini yarn crawl with Knitdad. No photos taken today due to our joint participation in YAPP (Yarn Acquisition Protection Program). It was a beautiful sunny, cool day here in Los Angeles.

New Noro yarn! This is Taiyo, color #4. 40% cotton, 30% Silk, 15% Wool, 15% nylon. 200 meters per ball!

I think I may like this yarn more than Silk Garden. I've started MK Carroll's Anne scarf:

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The photos are rolling in...

I've been on a roll lately, finishing things, which is a really good thing because I've come down with a wicked case of startitis! I'll save my startitis story for tomorrow's post. Here is a Noro Striped Scarf, ala Jared Flood (brooklyntweed), that I made in December.

These scarves are addictive. You can combine different noro colorways endlessly and they all work! My only problem with it is that the 1 x 1 rib really stirs up my carpal tunnel. Oh well, anything for art, right?

Speaking of Noro, did you know that there are two brand spanking new Noro yarns out for Spring/Summer? I have some of it right here. more tomorrow.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Happy Birthday to Yoooooouuuuuu

Who's my favorite male knitting friend/dad/blogger? Why, Knitdad, of course. It's not always easy to be a man who knits, but Larry does it with aplomb and style. Everyone go over to his blog and wish Larry a happy birthday!

PS This is not a big reveal! I'm not saying that Knitdad is my dad. He's waaaaaaaay too young for that! He is a great dad to the lovely Lisa D.

Saturday Photos

I have finally taken some photos of some finished pieces, plus some WIP's.

This is my Forsa scarf done in the chocolate raspberry colorway of Trendsetter Tonalita.

This is a crazy neckwarmer for H, made of Ozark Handspun.

The so-called 200 Scarf, a birthday present for H. Huge yarn + size N crochet hook pretty much equals immediate gratification.

This is the new Seduce yarn from Berroco in the passementerie green color. For the Flow top from the Norah Gaughan Collection, vol. 2. love this yarn-rayon, silk & linen.

This is the front of Tink Knit's Flower Market bag, details have not yet been embroidered onto the surface. I'm really looking forward to using this bag this spring.

Finally, this is really a nondescript photo, but I've got about four feet done on the Babykid Ruffle shawl.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Like the Phoenix

I'm back and so are two old projects. I may have been premature in thinking that I was over the creeping crud a couple of days ago. Now, though, finally, I am starting to feel human. This would be great except for the fact that the kid is showing signs of falling prey to it now. Two days of finals and one day of Academic competition lie ahead....fingers crossed!

As many of my friends know, I am a big fan of Marta McCall, whose website is Tink Knit Months ago, maybe even a year ago, I knit the back for the Flower Market Bag. Well, I have finally dug out the yarn & charts and am now about 1/3 through the bag front. The plan to make the bag is quite clever: You knit in the basic shapes then put in the details after knitting the front with embroidery. It's still intarsia, but much simpler than having to knit in all the details.

I'm also working on the Tink Knit pattern Silver Leaf Satchel. The knitting is completed. Now comes all the finishing work, which in this case, is pretty extensive. I am going to start silver leafing the leaves soon. I love this bag and am looking forward to using it.

The other ollllllllllllld project I've picked up again is my Color on Color scarf from the ubiquitous Scarf Style book. This project is so old that the knitalong group on Yahoo has apparently disbanded!

This is a photo of a completed COC scarf, I'm about 1/4 of the way through. Any other lapsed COC knitters who'd care to join me? FLM? AD? CH? Knitdad or Unraveled Gal, care to start one? come on, you know you want to!

Friday, January 25, 2008


And I really mean it, thank God it's Friday! What a week. The creeping crud caught up with me on Tuesday and I have been down and out all week. It seems to consist of 96 hours of unrelenting misery after which you feel a little better and stop praying for death. Then, there's this week's weather! Rain, lots of it, wind, hail and cold. If the weatherpeople are correct, we're in for another big storm due in Saturday night. I love the rain, I just don't want any homes to slide off hills...

If you are on Ravelry, you have to go to the Bobby's page and check out the nominees for most colorful project. Talk about eye candy! Our own Janice Rosema is nominated along with the incredible Prudence Mapstone. So many inspiring projects. I still love love love Babette's blanket. Actually, I love love love color.

Also out on the internet now is the Interweave Knits Spring 2008 preview. This time, I will reserve judgement until I have the issue in hand. However, there seem to be quite a few projects on small needles with negative ease. I'm just sayin'

I've finished two projects this week, no photos yet. The first FO is a huge crocheted scarf for the kid's birthday. Check out the blog, Yarn Ball Boogie for the original. Secondly, I finished my Forsa scarf in the Chocolate Raspberry Tonalita. I really love this yarn. It was cold enough today that I actually wore it. I have witnesses!

Monday, January 21, 2008

You Say it's Your Birthday

I need my sister here to sing our annoyingly raucous version of the Beatles' Birthday song. It is 11:30 pm on the 21st, the end of the Martin Luther King holiday. I remember how long it took for this to be a holiday and how much it meant to people when it finally happened. I will also remember this day, always, as the day I checked into the hospital to have my daughter. She was born a little after noon on the 22nd. Happy Birthday!!

Here are a few birthday haiku for Miss H:

today's the big day
for my beautiful sweet girl
It's your day, birdie

seventeen years past
dark haired smiling beauty mine
joyous birthday wishes

beautiful quirky
scary smart politico girl
chase your dreams always

hexagon count=5, only 290 left

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I knew it!

A list of 50 Ways to Improve Your Life in 2008 in the Dec. 20, 2007 issue of U.S. News & World Report contains #50--Knit LIke a Hipster! Yay! We knew it all along. I also like #46--Brew A Better Cup of Coffee. None of that Maxwell House stuff. seriously. They also list "Eat Dark Chocolate." Here's the whole list, presented by the US News staff on video

Unfortunately for me, there's been no actual knitting today because my arm is hurting too much. This hasn't stopped me from thinking about knitting. I've spent a lot of time on Ravelry lately, skulking around my friends' projects and queues. To no one's surprise, many 2008 items will be felted bags. Berroco's Doll bag & Pignoli bag are high on my list, as well as the Lucy Bag (Two Old Bags) and the Fat Bottom bag from The Happy Hooker. I still plan to make the Modern Quilt Wrap before the heat returns to L.A. as well as the Mr. Greenjeans cardigan or the Central Park Hoodie. Yes, I may be joining the CPH bandwagon, now that Knitting Daily has kindly resized the pattern to include us big boned girls. I discovered during this past unseasonably cold spell that I don't have a decent cardigan to wear when it is cool.

Let's see...what else? Well, it's on my Ravelry projects list, so I may as well come clean. I've started another huge project with many pieces and many colors. It is the Patchwork Throw from Erika Knights's Essential Crochet. Here's the "throw"

Rowan Cotton Glace, 12 colors, 7 balls of each, size D crochet hook. In my defense, I do have a lot of Cotton Glace in my stash from the early Rowan years, so this won't require me to sell blood to acquire the remaining yarn. Dye lots aren't a problem, except perhaps for the border color, which I think will be Dijon. I'll pause a few seconds while certain of my friends stop hyperventilating. You know who you are. It's ONLY 295 hexagons! I have 2 done. piece of cake. As one LYS owner said to me, "You always have something going on with lots of stuff." yup.

Something from the Fred Flinstone collection

Wilma, your scarf is ready! This is from Giles Deacon's Fall 2007 line. In many ways, I love this design. It screams fun. It also screams, get me a neck brace. I'm thrilled that designers are showing so much knitwear and pushing the boundaries of the usual.

I've really been trying to post more, but things always get in the way. How about some actual knitting content? In my own crazy inexplicable way, I've cast on for the Forsa scarf

in three different colorways of Tonalita/Mille Colori (same yarn, different yarn companies). I've finally settled on Tonalita, #2398, Chocolate Raspberry (I kid you not). Here's a link to a photo.

I've finished the knitting of the Silver Leaf Satchel (see www.tinkknits.com). Now comes the felting, leafing, assembly, etc. I'm excited to see how it turns out.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Breaking News

Date: Monday, 1/08/08
Time: 6:32 pm
Location: Von's Pavilion, Arcadia
Event: finally found the Winter 2007 issue of Vogue Knitting magazine!

I think that it is a really good issue. I like most of the pieces in the Shawls section, especially Cookie A's square shawl. Norah Gaughan has one of her hexagonal shawls--not sure if it is the exact piece from Berroco's Norah Gaughan, vol. 1 or not. BTW, there is a Norah Gaughan, vol 2 either out now or due out very soon. I always enjoy her designs, and I am really enjoying the collaboration between Norah Gaughan and Margery Winter that is going on at Berroco.

In other news, Storm Watch LA is over. Dallas and Fritz can go back to golf for a while. We actually had quite a bit of rain over the last 4 days, around 4 inches where I live. Too late to save most of the plants that died in my yard this summer, but more than enough for a bumper crop of weeds. Unfortunately, the gardener went AWOL a month ago, so things could turn ugly.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year

May 2008 be a wonderful year for us all. So ends the wonderful little block party called the Rose Parade. One town over from here, Fiesta Floats and Raoul Rodriquez build their floats for the Rose Parade. Our New Year's Eve tradition is to stand out on Duarte Road and watch the floats go by as they are driven over to line up in Pasadena for the parade. We have a network of spotters and the calls go out down the street, "the floats are coming!" I'd say we see about 10-12 floats. My favorites this year were the Day of the Dead floats, the "aliens" in the spaceship and the FTD float. On New Year's, of course we all watch the parade on tv to see how "our" floats did. It was another beautiful Chamber of Commerce day in Pasadena. One of the floats that we saw, the Rainbird float, won the Sweepstakes award. My Dia de los Muertos float won the Extraordinaire prize. In fact, I think all but one of the Fiesta floats that we saw on New Year's Eve won trophies.

After the parade, all of the floats were on display up in Sierra Madre through today. This is a fun thing to go do--you get even closer to the floats than you do on the parade route. The fragrance in the air is insane. Tonight, when I made a quick run out to the grocery store, I stumbled upon the final trip for the floats--they were moving east, back to the Fiesta warehouses where they were created. The exit for the parking lot was blocked off, motorcycle cops escort these floral monsters on their route, so I got out of my car and watched. By now, we're old friends. Even with bad lighting and the fact that they are zooming by at about 25 mph, it's thrilling to see them one more time.

In other news, Scout is still under the weather and still having to wear his cone. He is not a happy camper:

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days o' auld lang syne

For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
--Robert Burns